Frequently Ask Questions


Frequently Ask Questions.

No, you do not need an account to place an order. Please contact us in case you need more info or any help in placing an order.

  1. Start by visiting the login page of your WordPress website.

  2. Look for a “Lost your password?” or “Forgot your password?” link located below the login form, and proceed to click on it.

  3. This action will direct you to a separate page where you can enter either your registered email address or username associated with your WordPress account.

  4. Once you’ve provided your email or username, submit the information, and you should shortly receive an email from WordPress. This email will contain instructions guiding you through the process of resetting your password.

  5. Simply follow the instructions outlined in the email to create a new, secure password for your WordPress account.

Browse through our products, add the selected items in the cart. Once done adding your desired items, open up cart and checkout.

Please refer to the size chart to find your perfect fit.

Please refer to our shipping & return policy to cancel an order or contact us to make any changes.


Discountup to 10% for first purchase.

Great news! Enjoy a discount of up to 10% on your first purchase. Shop now and elevate your style with our exquisite, handcrafted footwear. Don’t miss out on this limited time offer!


Frequently Ask Questions.

Currently, we accept only US dollars (USD).

We accept cards –
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express

You can also choose to pay with PayPal. 

Yes, your personal details will stay safe with us. Please refer to our privacy policy for more details.

Contact Us

Still Have Any Other Questions. Please Contact Us.


Location Coming Soon

We’re excited to announce that a fantastic new booking location will be available in the near future! Stay tuned for updates as we prepare to unveil this exciting opportunity.